Governance and Advocacy Programs

DEAFOP’s Vision is an inclusive society in which Deaf and disabled persons can enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential however for this to be realized concerted partnership with government and private institution is necessary in mainstreaming disability agenda

It’s for this reason that as an organization we have committed ourselves to partner and Lobby private and government institution to embrace disability mainstreaming in their respective works



Some of past projects that we have implemented toward this include

  1. Conducting baseline study to identify Deaf Human right and development issues in Embu county which can be used as tools for deaf mainstreaming
  2. Working with Embu county committee of public participation and department of Gender in developing of Embu county Public Participation Act 2015
  3. Training and linking groups for persons with disability with government affirmative opportunity
  4. Offering of Sign language training and Sign language interpretation services

For more about our governance and  advocacy program contact